
The position is currently filled by Maria Grazia Melis

Associate professor at the scientific area L-Ant/01, at the University of Sassari, liaised with the Department of History, Human Sciences and Education.

Completed a Specialisation degree in Prehistoric Archaeology in 1990 and holds a Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology since 1996 (the "La Sapienza" University of Rome).
Member of the Erasmus Committee of the University of Sassari and international mobility Delegate (European and extra-European, Erasmus and Ulysses programmes) of the Department of History, Human Sciences and Education.
Lecturer in Palethnology for the laurea magistrale in Archaeology. Lecturer in Methodology of archaeological research at the Post-Graduate School of underwater Archaeology and Mediterranean coastlines "Nesiotikà" (University of Sassari). Lecturer at the Doctorate School of History, culture and literature of the Mediterranean (University of Sassari).
Member of C.I.A.I.M.O. (Interdepartmental Centre of Research for the Archaeology of the Islands of the Western Mediterranean) - University of Sassari and of C.I.R.TE.BE.C. (Inter-University Centre of research of technology in Heritage). Ordinary member of the I.I.P.P. (Italian Institute of Prehistory and Proto-history). Researcher attached to LAMPEA (Laboratoire méditerranéen de Préhistoire (Europe - Afrique) - UMR 7269 AIX-en-Provence (France).
Coordinator of national and international research projects and archaeological excavations.
Principal research fields: Prehistory and Proto-history of the Western Mediterranean (Southern France, Corsica, Tyrrhenian Italy, Sardinia, the Balearic Islands and Tunisia); Archaeology of island environments; the Eneolithic: chronology, analysis of craft production (in particular pottery, spinning and weaving), settlements, sacred places and burials, man and the natural environment, contact and exchange in the Mediterranean.


The Board is formed of members of the Lecturing and non-Lecturing staff involved with the Laboratory.



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