


The study of the prehistoric settlements of Sardinia has, over the years, been conditioned by the problems related to the available data, such as the geographical distribution of sites, with a large number being concentrated in central and southern Sardinia compared to a much more limited presence in the north of the island, which, on the...

S’Elighe Entosu

The Project was undertaken in 2006 as a collaboration between the University of Sassari and the Usini Town Council, with the intention of promoting and developing local historical and cultural heritage through the financing of a multi-year research project under the direction of Maria Grazia Melis. An interdisciplinary team was appointed for...

Monte d’Accoddi

The Prenuragic sanctuary of Monte d'Accoddi is among the most important architectural demonstrations of the Mediterranean prehistory. The previous studies have defined the monument like an altar, a ziggurat, a temple or a step pyramid. Perhaps this site represents as fully the Sardinian Prehistory, both because it was continuously frequented by...


Research in the area surrounding Sedilo was originally begun as part of the "Iloi Project", coordinated by Giuseppa Tanda. The great quantity of data collected in the course of this multi-year research project has found its way into many scientific articles and treatises. 

Recently some of the data produced during field studies by Maria...

In 2020, the "Calasetta. Cultural paths between past and present" project was launched in collaboration with the municipal administration of Calasetta, with which the University of Sassari signed a multi-year agreement, with the aim of reconstructing, through the current methods of territorial analysis, the ways of frequenting the territory,...



Canelles (Selargius, Cagliari)

  • September 2001. Removal of surface layer. Identification of 12 structures. Excavation of structures 39, 40, 41, 43, 47.
  • ...
S'Elighe Entosu

S'Elighe Entosu (Usini, Sassari)

  • 18 June - 28 July 2006. Excavation of domus de janas IV.
  • 1 March - 3 April 2007. Excavation of domus de janas IV....