Stefania Bagella

Pre-Protohistoric archaeologist. Curator of the Science Museum of the University of Sassari.

Graduate of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome in 1994 with a thesis entitled "Il bronzo medio della Sibaritide nell'ambito dell'età del bronzo dell'Italia Meridionale" ("The Middle Bronze Age of Sybaris in relation to the Bronze Age of Southern Italy"). Qualified in Palethnology at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome in 2001, with the thesis "Rituali funerari in Sardegna durante l'età nuragica: le tombe di giganti" ("Funeral rites in Sardinia during the Nuragic Age: The tombs of the the Giants"). II level Masters in "Mediazione culturale nei musei: aspetti didattici, sperimentali, valutativi" (Cultural mediation of museums; didactic, experimental and evaluative aspects) at the Roma Tre University (2010-2011). 

Research associate in Museum Studies at the University of Sassari from 2001 until 2009. Active in the field of Palethnology since 2007. 

Founding member and Secretary of the Aristeo cultural society, a legal entity recognised by the Sardinian Region, which operates in the field of cultural heritage since 1995. Ordinary member of the International Council of Museums, of the UMAC Committee for university museums, and of the Italian Association of Museum Studies. 

Involved in Sardinian and Mediterranean prehistory and proto-history, participating in numerous research projects and field excavations in Italy, Corsica and Tunisia, in particular the spheres of typology and cataloguing of artefacts and the funerary aspects of Nuragic civilisation. Author of more than fifty publications.