Paola Mameli

Permanent researcher at the Department of Nature Sciences and Territory at Sassari University Science Department GEO/09 "Mineral Geo-resources and Mineralogical-Petrographic Applications for the Environment and Cultural Heritage". 

Current scientific activity in the sphere of Cultural Heritage is dedicated to the following projects: characterization, provenience and decay of stone and clay used in building practises of archaeological, historic and monumental interest; mineralogical and petrographical applications in archaeometry, aimed at categorising and identifying the provenience of fictile material and the reproduction of ancient technological processes; prospection and genesis of rock deposits that contain high levels of metal traces, including those used in the past for production purposes. 

In the field of archaeometry has worked and continues to collaborate with national and overseas research institutions, in particular with the University of Sassari (Department of History, Human Sciences and Education), the University of Potenza, the University of Corte - France, the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici of the Provinces of Sassari and Nuoro, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici, il Paesaggio, il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico of Sassari and Nuoro, and the Liguria Archaeological Museum. 

Lecturer for the Archaeometry Course and the Masters course in Archaeology at the University of Sassari. 

Author of 87 scientific publications 

Principal areas of research: Mineralogical and petrographical applications in archaeometry, aimed at categorising and identifying the provenience of fictile material and the reproduction of ancient technological processes; categorisation, provenience and decay of stone and clay used in building practises of archaeological, historic and monumental interest; prospection and genesis of rock deposits that contain high levels of radioactive elements or heavy metals; prospection and genesis of clay-mineral deposits affected by weathering or hydrothermal activity and identification of their mineralogical and geochemical qualities; synthesis and categorisation of zeolites.