Laura Manca

Graduate in Archaeology from the University of Sassari in 2006-2007 with a thesis entitled "L'industria in materia dura animale dell'insediamento eneolitico di Su Coddu (Selargius, Cagliari): analisi morfo-tecnologica" ("The hard animal materials industry in the Eneolithic settlement of Su Coddu (Selargius, Cagliari); morpho-technological analysis"). 

Currently completing a Doctorate course at the Doctorate School 335 of the Univeristà di Aix-Marseille I (France) with a thesis entitled: " Les productions en matières osseuses des communautés sardes de la fin du Néolithique au début du premier Âge du cuivre: caractérisation et évolution techno-économique". 

Between 2006 and 2009 participated in courses on the analysis of the employment of hard animal materials entitled "Stigos (Analyse du travail des matières osseuses. Identification, caractérisation et représentation des stigmates techniques)" and "Traceos. Identification, caractérisation et représentation des traces d'utilisation", organised under the direction of Aline Averbouh and Marianne Christensen (UMR 7269 LAMPEA - Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe-Afrique; Università di Parigi I Panthéon-Sorbonne). 

During 2009 attended a course organised by the Centre d'Etudes Préhistoriques Antiquités Moyen-âge (CEPAM) at Valbonne entitled "Initiation à la tracéologie des outils de pierre taillée pré- et protohistoriques", run by Sylvie Beyries. 

Since 2007 is a member of GDRE PREHISTOS (Prehistoric exploitation of osseous materials in Europe). 

Research associate at LAMPEA Laboratoire méditerranéen de Préhistoire (Europe - Afrique) - UMR 7269 AIX-en-Provence (France). 

Member and Vice-President of the Sardòs cultural association. 

Since 2005 runs workshop activities on the treatments of archaeological material, experimental archaeology and seminars on themes related to the use of hard animal materials. 

Since 2007 has participated as scientific consultant in numerous excavations at the settlement at Su Coddu-Canelles and the necropolis at S'Elighe Entosu (Usini - SS). 

Author of 12 scientific publications. 

Principal areas of research: morphological, technological and functional analysis of the use of hard animal materials, Neolithic, Eneolithic.